I was recently featured on the OT School House Podcast, episode 164. In this interview, I delve into Reflex Integration for School-based Occupational Therapists, offering insights and experiences that I hope will resonate with you. You can listen to the episode by going to the link below. I look forward to hearing your thoughts!
Think of it as building a house… if the foundation is messed up, cracked, anything you build on top of it will be faulty. Yes, it will stand, but you’re going to be fixing things all the time. – Kokeb McDonald, OTR/L
At the end of the day, it’s all interconnected…When you impact one thing, it impacts another. -Jayson Davies, M.A., OTR/L
Reflex patterns are a response to sensory input. – Kokeb McDonald, OTR/L
I learned that it’s important, especially for OTs, to go back and review anatomy and movement patterns, like the functional movement pattern, because we’ve forgotten what that looked like, what functional movement pattern looks like, and what is the most efficient movement for this specific task. – Kokeb McDonald, OTR/L
All of a sudden you start to see results in other areas as well. Things start to come together…and the client doesn’t have to struggle as much. -Kokeb McDonald, OTR/L