About Reflex Integration Through Play

RITP is a treatment planning and implementation method based on child development and reflex integration progression, with a play-based approach that’s fun and easy to implement.

What is Reflex Integration?

Primitive reflexes are foundational, yet involuntary movement patterns that are present at birth and become integrated or “dormant” before a child reaches 12 months of age. Most reflexes become integrated into a pattern of movement after infancy, so more mature and voluntary movements can emerge.

When reflexes do not become integrated, they interfere with a child’s ability to develop an appropriate foundation for stability and mobility. A child without integrated primitive reflexes learns faulty and maladaptive movement patterns.

You must address retained reflexes in your client to make a lasting change and bridge the gap in their development. You, the trained therapists can observe these faulty responses by how a child reacts, behaves, and moves and address this interference in reflex integration to help the child recreate activities a typically developing child would have performed to integrate reflexes.

Hey there 👋,
This is Kokeb, pediatric OT, author, mentor, mother, and creator of Reflex Integration Through Play. It’s our mission to help kids develop into their healthiest selves and I hope you’ll join us on the journey!

Learn more about me here.

Kokeb 💕

What is Reflex Integration Through Play?

Reflex Integration Through Play is a fun, easy-to-use method to address retained primitive reflexes in a functionally-focused way. Designed with kids in mind, it starts with functional goals (like handwriting, social interaction, playground activities, etc.) and assesses the impact retained primitive reflexes may have on that goal. RITP practitioners then create and implement a measurable treatment plan consisting of activities designed to help integrate those reflexes to support the functional goal.

The activities within RITP are designed to be fun, centered around every child’s favorite occupation (PLAY!), and easy to modify for kiddos with any level of needs.

Use RITP in your OT/PT clinic to advance the development of your clients, in the classroom to help regulate energy levels and improve focus, or at home as a part of a carry-over program with your service provider.

Learn about our RITP Certification program for service providers.

The Reflex Integration Through Play Certification Program

Learn RITP’s unique method for primitive reflex integration, focused on functional goals, while you build your career as a therapist.

  • Five course, on-demand certification program
  • Exclusive access to our online community and monthly Q&A calls with Kokeb
  • Get access to our upcoming exercise reference and screening app

The RITP at School Program

The RITP School Program provides an evidence-based, movement-driven solution to support students’ neurodevelopment in a way that is fun, engaging, and developmentally appropriate.

  • Improve attention, focus, and retention with done-for-you movement breaks
  • Easy to implement, fun movement videos to do with the whole class or individually
  • Access to training for both therapists and teachers

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The Latest from RITP


Kokeb is the best-selling author of the Reflex Integration Through Play book series. Get the whole series here on our website or check them out on Amazon.


Kokeb’s YouTube channel is a great resource for parents and service providers alike looking to learn about reflex integration.


Longer conversations with Kokeb and guests from around the special needs pediatrics community.


We write regularly, right here on integratingreflexes.com, about reflex integration and occupational therapy as a whole.