Frequently Asked Questions
What is Reflex Integration Through Play?
Reflex Integration Through Play™️ is a fun, easy-to-use method to address retained primitive reflexes in a functionally-focused way. Designed with kids in mind, it starts with functional goals (like handwriting, social interaction, playground activities, etc.) and assesses the impact retained primitive reflexes may have on that goal. RITP practitioners then create and implement a measurable treatment plan consisting of activities designed to help integrate those reflexes to support the functional goal.
The activities within RITP are designed to be fun, centered around every child’s favorite occupation (PLAY!), and easy to modify for kiddos with any level of needs.
Use RITP in your OT/PT clinic to advance the development of your clients, in the classroom to help regulate energy levels and improve focus, or at home as a part of a carry-over program with your service provider.
Learn about our RITP Certification program for service providers.
Who is Kokeb McDonald, OTR/L?
Kokeb McDonald, OTR/L is the founder of Reflex Integration Through Play and a pediatric occupational therapist with over 20 years experience, author, mother, and coach.
She is the author of the best-selling Reflex Integration Through Play Book Series, making reflex integration with a functional approach accessible to service providers and parents.
About Reflex Integration in General
What are primitive reflexes and why are they important?
Primitive reflexes are involuntary movement patterns controlled by the brain stem and executed without reaching the cortical or conscious part of the brain. Primitive reflexes emerge in utero, and integrate before the child reaches about 12 months of age. These reflexes include the Moro Reflex, Rooting Reflex, Palmar (Grasp) Reflex, Asymmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (ATNR), Spinal Galant Reflex, Tonic Labyrinthine Reflex (TLR), and Symmetrical Tonic Neck Reflex (STNR).
Primitive reflexes are necessary during the birthing process, and they are key to the infant’s first-year survival. Instinctively, the infant responds to the world via the primitive reflexes. Together the reflexes help the infant move through the birth canal, take his or her first breath, instinctively withdraw from hazardous stimuli, urinate, creep, grasp, lift their heads, open their mouth, suck and swallow, and kick. Each primitive reflex has its benefits and is a building block to the infant’s future movement patterns and how he or she perceives the world via the senses. Therefore, primitive reflexes also impact emotional development.
What does it mean when a reflex is "retained"?
In cases where there is the presence of trauma, genetic abnormality, chronic illness, developmental delays, or pregnancy or birthing complications, primitive reflexes may still be actively present in the child’s body. If primitive reflexes are actively present when they should be inhibited, they are called “retained reflexes.” Retained reflexes will continue to cause involuntary movement patterns or physical responses that will in turn cause faulty learning processes. Also, as the baby continues to grow, he or she begins to perceive the world in an immature way, and behavioral challenges may follow.
When a child’s brain is healthy and developing typically, maturation and growth are automatic. The child goes through natural and instinctive movement patterns that assist the brain in learning and integrating primitive reflexes. We see confusion in the brain when the child either does not go through the typical milestones or skips them altogether. For example, when a child moves from sitting to walking, skipping the crawling phase, an essential process for brain integration, this jump in development can confuse further development which requires the right and left the brain to coordinate to execute more advanced movement activities.
What is reflex integration and how can it benefit children?
Every natural developmental stage is essential, and the brain uses each one for critical learning and essential growth.
A skilled therapist can integrate retained reflexes by following the natural developmental process and mimicking activities and movements that were missed or done incorrectly in the child’s previous stages to help the brain rewire itself.
Integrating these primitive reflexes can result in improved motor and developmental function.
Is reflex integration an evidence-based practice? Is it backed by research?
Yes it is! Check out our Research page to see how we’ve leveraged published research to build our reflex integration program designed to address functional goals.
About RITP Certification
What is the RITP Certification program?
The Reflex Integration Through Play™️ Certification program is an on-demand and live group coaching program designed to provide service providers with a thorough understanding of how and when to apply reflex integration techniques in a functional way to help support their clients’ development in clinic, school, and home settings.
The program is designed for any service provider working in a pediatric setting, including occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, physical therapists, speech and language pathologists, vision therapists, parent coaches, and more.
The courses within the program are approved for over 26 contact hours of AOTA-approved CEUs.
Learn more about the RITP Certification program for service providers.
What kind of support is offered during certification?
We offer various forms of support during your time in the certification program, starting with weekly Q&A sessions with Kokeb, online forums with other participants and RITP staff, and of course email 🙂
Is the RITP Certification program approved for Continuing Education Units (CEUs)?
Yes! Our program is approved for over 26 contact hours as an AOTA certified provider.
Currently we do not offer approved CEUs for any other professional body.
Is the RITP Certification program right for me even if I'm not an OT?
Yes! The program is designed for any service provider working in a pediatric setting, including occupational therapists, occupational therapy assistants, physical therapists, speech and language pathologists, vision therapists, parent coaches, and more.
We have a number of OTs, PTs, SLPs, etc. learning in our program!
How do I learn more about the RITP Certification program?
The best way to learn about reflex integration and RITP is to check out our free class all about Reflex Integration for Functional Skills.
Want even more information? Book a call with Kokeb to learn about how RITP Certification can fit into your career.
How can I find an RITP Certified practitioner to help my family?
We maintain a list of Featured Providers to help you find someone in your area. Keep in mind some providers treat remotely.
Can’t find one near you? Contact your local service provider and ask them if they’ll join our RITP Certification program!
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Yes we do and we’re happy to provide resources to large institutions like school systems!
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Polaris Therapy, LLC
1030 E EL Camino Real #442
Sunnyvale, CA 94087
Do you ship outside of the US?
As of February 2025, we do not ship outside of the US :(. Customs has gotten pretty expensive and complex to manage across all the markets, not to mention the cost of shipping.
You can get our books at your country’s Amazon store. You will get them faster and cheaper than you could from us.