Handwriting and fine motor challenges are some of the primary reasons parents bring their children to an occupational therapist. Here’s an online coaching experience for parents to help address these fine motor challenges.
This online training program is for parents of elementary school aged children who have…
- Poor handwriting skills
- Fine motor delays
- Weak hand strength
- Poor postural control
- Low endurance and
- Hard time copying from a board
By the end of the training, you will learn strategies to improve your child’s fine motor and handwriting skills, which includes…
- Fine motor warm up activities
- Reflex integration exercises
- Proper letter formation
- Proper pencil grasp
- Postural control and core stabilization
- How to address persistence challenges through accommodations
The workshop will cover…
- Foundational fine motor development and milestones
- Primitive reflex integration exercises related to fine motor development and handwriting skills
- Guide to proper and function pencil grasp development
- Fine motor and gross motor activities to enhance handwriting skills, including
- Core strength and posture
- Visual-motor coordination
- Letter formation
- Visual perception
- Alignment and
- Letter placement
- Hand strengthening activities
- Age, grade, and developmentally appropriate interventions
- Video recordings of Q&As
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Course Content
Fine Motor Development and Milestones
Pre-writing Skills and Letter Formation
Primitive Reflex Integration Focused Exercises
Q&A Recordings